Sexual Respect Toolkit

The Sexual Respect Tool Kit was developed to support GPs and other health and social care professionals initiate discussions around sex. It contains a huge resource section called Further information, which will be useful to disabled people as well as health professionals.
The Tool Kit starts with a small instruction booklet written specially for busy GPs and professionals who tell us they won’t read anything that takes longer than two minutes. It the booklet has been written inspire them to talk about sex during consultations.
The Kit provides posters to put on waiting rooms with the messages “Simply talking about sex works wonders” and “Consultancy here is accepting, helpful and confidential. You can always ask for a leaflet”.
The leaflet is a Hand-Out describing the value of sexual communication, with a list of sexual problems and resources for patients and clients can use to find support.
The Kit’s Resources were written in 2013 and are kept up to date. They cover everything a doctor, social worker or health care professional might need to know in order to support their patients and clients in their sexual expression.
A training video offers testimonials and advice from experts, features conversations on sex being initiated in the consulting room, as well as showing how sex therapy, self help, and peer support can work.
The Sexual Respect Tool Kit was produced by Tuppy Owens with Susan Quilliam and Alex Cowan’s writing, Ashley Savage’s photography, Claire Richard’s Film making and John Keiller’s design.